LinkedIn Articles and a New Project

Lest you think that I’m completely slacking, in the writing department, you should know that February saw two new articles, on LinkedIn. They’re about my personal view of success, and how I got there.

As you look at this photo, you might think that my perspective needs some adjustment. Here’s the thing. The camper is a project. It’s a tool that needs to be restored, or in this case, perhaps, re-imagined. Today, I’ll be checking all the lights, to see which ones need to be fixed. It’s definitely going to be a challenge, but I’ll have help from others, who understand the plan.

There’s also a long trip on the drawing board. It will take me through many states, and keep me on the road for several weeks. I’m excited to get it going, and will keep you posted, as things develop.

In the meantime, here’s a link to the LinkedIn articles. Enjoy, and keep your Go on.

Redefining Success – Part 11st-view

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