
A couple of weeks ago, I decided to make a little trip to Cheyenne, Wyoming and Ft. Collins, Colorado. Leaving early on a bright, crisp Saturday morning, I made the drive up to Cheyenne for breakfast. There’s a coffee shop there that I wanted to visit.

As you might guess from the photo, Wyoming is noted for being a windy state, and this Saturday was no exception. I cant estimate wind speeds, but there were times when it was a struggle to keep Grace in her lane. I didnt do much photography, because I couldnt keep the camera still. Most shots were done from the driver’s seat, or from the shelter of the bedroom area, shooting through the open door. This one, which illustrates the old song, about deer and antelope playing, was shot that way.


When I arrived in Cheyenne, about 9:00 in the morning, I was surprised to find the place almost empty. Of course, with wind like that, I dont blame people for choosing to stay indoors. What I didnt realize was how many businesses were closed on Saturdays. There really wasnt much to see, so I decided that I’d ask the folks at The Crooked Cup.

It’s a tiny place, with very limited seating, but it’s clean and cozy. Staff are friendly and the food is good. As is my habit, I didnt think about documenting my time there, except for this shot of kolaches and coffee.


When I asked the guy at the counter about things to do on a Saturday, his answer was kind of humorous – “Um…I mean…It’s Cheyenne.” When he called out to the woman in the back, she said, “I think there’s a museum up the street, but I dont know if it’s open.”

So, I had some wonderful, made from scratch kolaches and a very good Americano. Then I wandered around town for a bit, before I decided to head down to Fort Collins. I had a meeting there on Sunday morning, and figured there would be more going on, since it’s a college town, and I was right. More about that, next time.


On the way, I came across this old house and had to stop for some photography. Here are a few of those shots.